Carbonell & Co., LLCMar 27, 2020New Tax Deadlines Due to COVID-19Due to COVID-19, the Puerto Rico and Federal governments have established new deadlines to file the income tax returns and related...
Carbonell & Co., LLCMar 23, 2020Nuevas Fechas Límite ante Emergencia del COVID-19Debido a la emergencia nacional y mundial en la que estamos atravesando por el COVID-19, tanto el Gobierno de Puerto Rico como el Federal...
Carbonell & Co., LLCMar 16, 2020Important Announcement about Our Services During the COVID-19At Carbonell & Co., LLP, we are concerned with the unprecedented global challenges that we are facing due to coronavirus (COVID-19)....
Carbonell & Co., LLCMar 16, 2020Aviso Importante sobre la Continuidad de Nuestros Servicios ante el COVID-19En Carbonell & Co., LLP nos encontramos preocupados por los desafíos globales sin precedentes que enfrentamos debido al...